徐海韵,best365网页版登录副教授, 硕士生导师。丹麦哥本哈根大学景观与城市规划博士, 北京市海外高层次引进人才。
Dr. Haiyun Xu. is an Associate Professor at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture She studied Cultural Landscape at the Universities of Copenhagen and Gottingen and received a Ph.D.in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning (2020) at University of Copenhagen. She is a Young Scholar of Beijing Overseas Talent Project. Her research aims at promoting sustainability in landscape planning management through a deeper understanding of the interrelationships between nature-social ecosystem services and landscape change. Her current studies focus on the topics including cultural landscape and cultural ecosystem service,cultural route and heritage corridor, green infrastructures planning and management, public participation in landscape planning and management,public perceptions and landscape democracy, regional sustainable development.
2015—2020,丹麦哥本哈根大学地理与自然资源管理系景观规划博士 (Ph.D.)
欧洲景观生态学会会刊Land(SSCI),以及Landscape research(SSCI),Forests(SSCI), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health(SCI&SSCI) , Sustainability(SSCI) and Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Science审稿人
《景观设计学LAF》 (CSCD) 杂志特约编辑与审稿人
丹麦景观建筑师学会(DL)会员, 丹麦华人工程师协会(ACED)理事(2016-2018), 中国风景园林学会文化景观专委会青年委员
Xu, H; Zhao, G. Liu, Y.; Miao, M, Using Social Media Camping Data for Evaluating, Quantifying, and Understanding Recreational Ecosystem Services in Post-COVID-19 Megacities: A Case Study from Beijing. Forests, 2023(SCI, 影响因子3.28, JCR一区)
Xu, H.; Primdahl, J.; Zhao, Gu.; Fagerholm, N.; Plieninger, T. Participatory mapping of cultural ecosystem services for cultural landscape corridor planning: A case study of the Silk Roads Corridor in China. Journal of Environmental management.2020.(SCI, 影响因子8.9, JCR一区)
Xu, H.; Fu, F.; What Is the Effect of Cultural Greenway Projects in High-Density Urban Municipalities? Assessing the Public Living Desire Near the Cultural Greenway in Central Beijing, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021. (SCI, 影响因子3.39, JCR一区)
Xu, H.; Zhao, G. Assessing the Value of Urban Green Infrastructure Ecosystem Services for High-Density Urban Management and Development: Case from the Capital Core Area of Beijing, China. Sustainability. 2021(SSCI, 影响因子3.25 JCR二区).
Xu, H.; Plieninger, T.; Primdahl, J. A systematic comparison of cultural and ecological landscape corridors in Europe. Land, 2019, 1, 41. (SSCI, 影响因子3.39,JCR二区,promoted by researchoutreach in 2020)
Xu, H.; Zhao, G.; Plieninger, T.; Primdahl, J. What difference does public participation make? An alternative futures assessment based on the development preferences for cultural landscape corridor planning during Silk Road area sustainable development in China. Sustainability 2019. (SSCI, 影响因子3.25 JCR二区)
Xi, X..; Xu, H.*; Zhao, G.;Zhao, Q. Making Rural Micro-Regeneration Strategies Based on Resident Perceptions and Preferences for Traditional Village Conservation and Development: The Case of Huangshan Village, China. Land, 2021, 7. (SSCI, 影响因子3.39,JCR二区)
Xu, H.; Liu, L.; Ding, P. Building Climate Resilient City through Multiple Scale Cooperative Planning: Experiences from Copenhagen, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.2021.(EI)
徐海韵, 徐峰. 希腊历史园林“雅典国家花园”的保护实践.古建园林技术. 2020.
Xu, H.; Plieninger, T.; Primdahl, J. Participatory CES Assessment for Cultural Landscape Corridor Planning: A bridge for Public Attitude Prediction and Negotiation, 55th IFLA International Federation of Landscape Architects World Congress Proceeding, 2018,7.
Xu, H. Evaluation and mapping of Cultural Ecosystem Service for Cultural Landscape Corridor by PPGIS of Residents. WMCAUS World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium 2017, 7 (EI)
Xu, H.; Plieninger, T.; Primdahl, J. Assessment and Mapping of Cultural ecosystem service for the Heritage Corridor Planning by PPGIS of Residents, IALE International Association for Landscape Ecology 2017 European Congress Proceeding, 2017, 9
Xu, H.; Plieninger, T.; Primdahl, J. Systematic review of green corridor development and management in Europe, 5thFabos Landscape and Greenway planning Conference proceeding,2016,7
Xu, H.; Xu, F. Ecological Restoration Design for Urban River Landscape Degradation: A Case of YuruhaxRiver, Hotan, Xinjiang, China, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 2014, 4. (EI)
Xu, H.; Xu, F. The Ancient Tea-horse Road: Conservation Strategies for the Development of Rural Cultural Landscape, 50th IFLA International Federation of Landscape Architects World Congress Proceeding, 2013,4
徐海韵, 徐峰. 茶马古道雅安段遗产廊道文化景观构建, 中华文化论坛, 2012,
徐海韵, 成都市公园木本植物生物多样性调查,广东园林,2010,
2017 WMCAUS世界土木工程建筑与城市规划跨学科论坛优秀报告
2015 国家高水平项目公派留学奖学金,
2013 IDEAKING艾景奖国际园林景观设计大赛银奖
2013 IRLA美丽奖国际园林景观设计大赛银奖
2013 国家奖学金