《Buildings》(SCI)特刊主编、《Urban and Regional Planning》期刊编委
《Bulletin of Geography Socio-economic Series》(ESCI)、《American Journal of Civil Engineering》、《Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability》等期刊审稿人
新西兰数字建筑研究实验中心(Lab Digital Architecture Research Alliance)主要成员
2015.8-2019.5,新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学,建筑与设计学院,建筑学专业,博士(导师:Marc Aurel Schnabel, Chris McDonald)
2014.1-2014.8, 中国台湾东海大学,建筑学院,建筑学专业,硕士联合培养
[1] Yingyi Zhang. Access to Healthcare Facilities and Women’s Healthcare Requirements in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Beijing [J]. International journal of environmentalResearch and public health, 2022(21). SCI, SSCI (JCR 1区).
[2] Yingyi Zhang, Ge Chen, et al. Social Interaction In Public Space and Well-being Among Elderly
Women: Towards Age-Friendly Urban Environment [J]. International journal of environmental
Research and public health, 2022(19). SCI, SSCI (JCR 1区).
[3] Yingyi Zhang. Urban Digital Twins: Decision-Making Models for Interactive Urban Design. International Conference on Communication Engineering, Network Technology and Data Mining, 2022.
[4] Yingyi Zhang, Chang Liu. Digital Simulation for Buildings Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Urban
Neighborhoods [J]. Buildings, 2021(11). SCI (JCR 2区).
[5] Yingyi Zhang, Chang Liu. Parametric Urbanism and Environment Optimization: Toward a
Quality Environmental Urban Morphology [J]. International journal of environmental Research and
public health, 2021(18). SCI, SSCI (JCR 1区).
[6] Yingyi Zhang, Yanghongwei Ning. Assessing Dense Neighborhood Sustainability for Daylight
Performance[J]. Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, 2021(17), 447-454. EI.
[7] 张颖异,荣玥芳. 美国形态设计准则解读及对我国乡村空间形态控制的启示[J]. 小城镇建设, 2021, 39(05): 66-72.
[8] 王雪强,吴明萱,张颖异*. 参数化设计体系下的城市形态译码方法及其应用[J]. 华中建筑,2021, 39(12): 40-45.
[9] Yingyi Zhang, Chang Liu. Parametric modeling for form-based planning in dense urban
environments [J]. Sustainability, 2019(11). SCI SSCI.
[10] Yingyi Zhang, Marc Aurel Schnabel. A use of Form-Based Code for volumetric morphology of
high-density cities [J]. Smart Grid and Smart Cities, 2018(2), 1-5. EI.
[11] Yingyi Zhang, Marc Aurel Schnabel. Parametric thinking in form-based code evaluation [J].
International Journal of Environmental Science & Sustainable Development , 2018(3), 89-99.
[12] Marc Aurel Schnabel, Yingyi Zhang and Serdar Aydin. Using parametric modelling in Form-
Based Code design for high-dense cities [J]. Procedia Engineering, 2017(8), 1379-1387. SCOPUS.
[13] Yingyi Zhang, Marc Aurel Schnabel. A workflow of data integrating and parametric modelling
in urban design regulation. Proceedings of the 51st International Conference of the Architectural
Science Association , Wellington, New Zealand, 2017, 139-148.
[14] Shuva Chowdhury, Marc Aurel Schnabel, and Yingyi Zhang. Form processing: theregeneration of urban codes towards predictable neighbourhoods. Proceedings of the 10thInternational Urban Design Conference, Queensland, Australia, 2017.
[15] Yingyi Zhang, Marc Aurel Schnabel. Parametric modelling in form-based urban design codefor high-density cities. Proceedings of Annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture andUrban Design, Toronto, Canada, 2017,265-272.
[16] Yingyi Zhang, Marc Aurel Schnabel. Mapping volumetric urban spaces: a critical developmentanalysis of multi-level morphology of high-dense cities. Proceedings of Symposium onArchitectural Interchanges in Asia, Sendai, Japan, 2016, 1785-1790.
[17] Yingyi Zhang, Marc Aurel Schnabel. Form-Based Code (FBC) modelling for urban design ofhigh-dense cities. Proceedings of Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design,London, UK, 2016, 147-152.
[18]Yingyi Zhang, Marc Aurel Schnabel. Form-Based Code in parametric modelling forcontinuous urban design. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of the Association forComputer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, Melbourne, Australia, 2016, 33-42.
[19] 张颖异,柳肃.空间句法在街巷空间更新设计中的应用——以台湾宜兰县礁溪地区为例 [J]. 城市发展研究, 2014, 21(12): 21-24. CSSCI.
[20] 张颖异,柳肃.浅谈政府行为影响下传统商业街区的演化与重生——以长沙市晏家塘小古道巷为例. 华中建筑, 2013, 31(10):147-150.
[1] Yingyi Zhang. Parametric Urbanism and Environment Optimization. Cell Press Physical ScienceWeek, Cell Press. 2021.
[2] Yingyi Zhang. Assessing Dense Neighborhood Sustainability for Daylight Performance. International Conference on Green Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, 2021.
[3] Yingyi Zhang. Parametric Modelling for Form-Based Approaches, Third Way of Building AsianCities: International Working Group of Experts, UNICITY Company, Toulouse, Occitanie. 2021.
[4] Yingyi Zhang. An Application of Parametric Technology in Urban Design. The 2nd YoungScholars International Forum on Design Innovation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. 2019.
[5] Yingyi Zhang. Form-Based Code for Volumetric Morphology of High-density Cities.International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities. University of Malaya, Malaysia. 2018.
[6] Yingyi Zhang. Processing Data Integration and Parametric Modeling in Urban EnvironmentalAnalysis. The 2ndZhi-Xing Forum of Urban Design. Harbin Institute of Technology, China. 2017.
[7] Yingyi Zhang. Parametric Modelling in Urban Design Code for High-Dense Cities. The 2017Annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design. University of Toronto,Canada. 2017.
[8] Yingyi Zhang. Data Integrating and Parametric Modeling in Urban Design Regulation. The 51stInternational Conference of the Architectural Science Association , Victoria University ofWellington, New Zealand. 2017.
[9] Yingyi Zhang. Mapping Volumetric Urban Space. The 11th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia. Tohoku University, Japan. 2016.
[10] Yingyi Zhang. Form-Based Code in Parametric Modelling for Urban Design. The 21stInternational Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research inAsia. The University of Melbourne, Australia. 2016.
2015-2019, 新西兰政府博士全额奖学金
2017, 惠灵顿维多利亚大学年度优秀硕博研究奖
2013, 国家奖学金
2009, 国家奖学金
2021-2023,主持人,北京市教育委员会科技计划一般项目, 数字技术支撑下的高密度城市形态控制与评价
2016-2019, 主要参与人,New Zealand National Science Challenge Building Better Homes Towns and Cities.